SE PA Update Buxus Blight Drought Conditions

By Terren Landscapes

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Plant Pathogen Alert:

Boxwood Blight – Detection, Prevention, & Management 

We just received a report from the Department of Agriculture that boxwood blight, a plant disease affecting the boxwood plant, has reared it’s ugly head in our region once more. There is no known cure for this pathogen and the extremely sticky spores can be transported from plant to plant by catching a ride with any animal, insect, or person brushing past. Once the spores arrive from one boxwood to another, they will initiate a harmful plant infection very quickly, provided the conditions are right.

This is why proper diagnosis and management are critical. Preventing cross contamination is a careful task best left to a plant specialist. It’s not as simple as just removing the plant–trust us. If your boxwood is indeed infected, any trained horticulturalist will follow strict protocol to manage the situation, hopefully catching it in time to prevent the disease from spreading.

Field Report:

Parched Lawns & Trees – Extreme Dry Conditions Continue

Although we’ve received some respite from the heat, we’re still in the throws of extremely dry conditions. With seven documented heat waves so far this year for our region, we’re 4″ below our average rainfall and every day we’re seeing the toll that it is taking.

Dry soil conditions can significantly reduce the lifespan of your valuable landscape. While we address signs of heat injury when we’re on-site, we must also stress the importance of keeping up the watering effort between visits. Here are some common symptoms to help you notice when your lawn and trees may be parched:

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